Revision as of 20:25, 2 May 2006 by Dnorman (talk | contribs)
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Canadian Library Association (CLA) Calgary 2005 Main Page

June 15 - 18, 2005

(Idea shamelessly borrowed from Meredith Farkas' ALA Wiki)

You may edit these pages without creating an account on the ucalgary wiki. This may change if we get overrun with spam, but for now, edit away!

Here are the current topics in the wiki

Newbies: Conference Tips | Calgary Tips

Conference: Official CLA Page | Official and Unofficial Conference Events of Interest | CLA Conference Bloggers (add your blog to the list!)

Calgary: Restaurants | Bars | Hotels | Attractions | Entertainment | Tours | Neighborhoods and Shopping | [Wireless Access Points]

Links: Calgary Links

If you add a new topic, please add it to this list on the main page so people can easily find it.

You can easily add a new page by putting the title of the new page inside double brackets on the front page (you can see the formatting when you go to edit the page). Then, when you click on that link, you will be taken to a new page that you can add to.