Courses/Computer Science/CPSC 457.F2013/Lecture Notes/KernMem

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Kernel Memory Management

The term "memory" is an overloaded one, and concepts like virtual memory conflate the notion of disk storage and main memory; in turn, caching file content in memory can make these concepts even more of a muddle.

We stretch this topic across two sessions. The first is an introduction to the kernel-side of the memory-related portions of the system call API, and the second is a look at the inner workings of kernel memory management itself. We will take a step back and consider how the Linux kernel handles different memory management tasks, including:

  • supporting virtual memory (caching memory pages, caching files in memory)
  • managing its own memory allocation needs
  • managing the data structures for memory pages on behalf of userlevel tasks

Session 1: brk(2) implementation

We pick up in the first session with our examination of the brk system call.

We then flipped back to userland to a demonstration of malloc(3)'s behavior as supported by the kernel (mmap, brk, etc.)

The grab.c program attempts to allocate a structure, copy data into that structure, and then iterate over memory "forever". In reality, what it does is iterate over the process's memory starting at 8 bytes before the allocate structure until the end of the heap.

Eventually, this code will cause a SIGSEGV for referecing an address that is outside the heap memory region.

 char* c = NULL;
 struct aircraft* a = NULL;
 a = (struct aircraft*)malloc(sizeof(struct aircraft));
   fprintf(stderr, "malloc failed\n");
   fprintf(stdout, "glibc allocated memory at %p\n", a);
 memcpy(a, g_a, sizeof(struct aircraft));
 c = (char*)a;
 c -= 8;
   fprintf(stdout, "address [%p] stores value [0x%08x]\n", c, *c);

Running this program, getting its pid, and then displaying the memory regions of the PAS shows the heap being valid from 09a7a000 to 09a9b000.

(eye@mordor kmem)$ ps aux | grep grabx
eye       6374  1.0  0.0   2000   428 pts/6    S+   13:08   0:00 ./grabx
eye       6376  0.0  0.0   4356   732 pts/7    S+   13:08   0:00 grep grabx
(eye@mordor kmem)$ cat /proc/6374/maps
0058c000-005aa000 r-xp 00000000 08:03 404092     /lib/
005aa000-005ab000 r--p 0001d000 08:03 404092     /lib/
005ab000-005ac000 rw-p 0001e000 08:03 404092     /lib/
005b2000-00742000 r-xp 00000000 08:03 404104     /lib/
00742000-00743000 ---p 00190000 08:03 404104     /lib/
00743000-00745000 r--p 00190000 08:03 404104     /lib/
00745000-00746000 rw-p 00192000 08:03 404104     /lib/
00746000-00749000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
008fb000-008fc000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0          [vdso]
08048000-08049000 r-xp 00000000 08:03 412486     /home/eye/457/lectures/memory/kmem/grabx
08049000-0804a000 rw-p 00000000 08:03 412486     /home/eye/457/lectures/memory/kmem/grabx
09a7a000-09a9b000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0          [heap]
b775a000-b775b000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
b7767000-b7769000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
bff26000-bff3b000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0          [stack]
(eye@mordor kmem)$ 

Here is the running program; we can see it eventually attempt to iterate past 0x9a9afff + 1, which is 0x9a9b000, which is outside the valid range of heap addresses. The MMU steps in, raises a memory violation, the kernel catches this event, determines that it is not a recoverable page fault (for example, like one due to a memory page being swapped out for virtual memory), and generates a SIGSEGV signal. Normally this would simply terminate the program, but our program has a signal handler, catches the signal, outputs a message, and then aborts.

(eye@mordor kmem)$ ./grabx
sizeof(int) = 4
sizeof(char) = 1
sizeof(long) = 4
sizeof(struct aircraft) = 12
address of a is = 0xbff38d38
glibc allocated memory at 0x9a7a008
address [0x9a7a000] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a7a001] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a7a002] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a7a003] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a7a004] stores value [0x00000011]
address [0x9a7a005] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a7a006] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a7a007] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a7a008] stores value [0xffffffef]
address [0x9a7a009] stores value [0xffffffbe]
address [0x9a7a00a] stores value [0xffffffad]
address [0x9a7a00b] stores value [0xffffffde]
address [0x9a7a00c] stores value [0x00000041]
address [0x9a7a00d] stores value [0xffffff8e]
address [0x9a7a00e] stores value [0xfffffff3]
address [0x9a7a00f] stores value [0xffffffbf]
address [0x9a7a010] stores value [0xffffffea]
address [0x9a7a011] stores value [0x0000001d]
address [0x9a7a012] stores value [0xffffffad]
address [0x9a7a013] stores value [0xffffffab]
address [0x9a7a014] stores value [0xfffffff1]
address [0x9a7a015] stores value [0x0000000f]
address [0x9a7a016] stores value [0x00000002]
address [0x9a7a017] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a7a018] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a7a019] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a7a01a] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a7a01b] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a7a01c] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a9aff8] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a9aff9] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a9affa] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a9affb] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a9affc] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a9affd] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a9affe] stores value [0x00000000]
address [0x9a9afff] stores value [0x00000000]
Caught SIGSEGV. Dyin'. loop iterations=135168
(eye@mordor kmem)$

Session 2: Kernel Memory Management

  • First, Quick detour: the Linux kernel as an ELF
  • Then, pick up with motivating exercise from above.

The slides for today.

The struct page structure for holding metadata about physical page frames (and metadata used by the SLUB allocator).

Excellent article on kernel memory exploitation with an overview of the three allocators:

Links from above article on various related topics:

More on kernel exploitation:


  • None for today; work on homework or read the links.

Scribe Notes