Courses/Computer Science/CPSC 457.S2016/Midterm
Question 1
- Prehistory: human power or mechanical power
- Generation 1: vacuum tubes
- Generation 2: transistors
- Generation 3: integrated circuits
- Generation 4: Personal Computing
- Generation 5: Mobile Computing
- Generation 6: Virtual/Cloud Computing
Question 2
- To load programs and manage their execution
- To mediate hardware access for applications
- To manage time (computation) and space (memory) resources
Question 3
Instructions to access I/O devices are typically privileged to ensure that the operating system can maintain organization of the devices and ensure that one process does not interfere with another using the device.
Question 4
- Mainframe - Batch Processing - Payroll Accounting
- Server - Interactive Processing for Requests - Web Server
- Personal Computer - Interactive Processing for Active User - Windows
- Mobile - Interactive Processing with Limited Resources - iOS
- Hard Real Time - Meet hard deadlines - Welding Robot
- Soft Real Time - Do things as timely as possible - Media Player (If you put Car here, I hope you were talking about the entertainment system and not self-driving).
- Embedded - Limited processing with extremely limited resources - Thermostat (Fridge, Toaster...)
Question 5
Monolithic Operating Systems exchange organization and maintainability for speed. Micro-kernel architecture tries to structure the Operating System to be as maintainable and organized as possible at the expense of speed. The hybrid suggests that speed is our primary desire for an Operating System, but that we would like to be able to maintain it and add new functionality where possible.
Question 6
A type one hyper-visor connects directly to the hardware and translates requests from the guest OSs. A type 2 hyper-visor relies on a host OS to manage the hardware.
Question 7
- Push arguments onto the stack
- Call the read function
- Library loads the system call # into a register and traps into the kernel
- Kernel starts executing at a fixed point
- Kernel looks up system call in syscall handler table & runs the handler
- Returns to the library call (setting the mode back to user)
- Library call returns to original program
Question 8
- Process Identifier
- Related Processes
- Process state
- Program counter
- CPU registers
- CPU Scheduling information
- Security Information
- Memory management information (not the actual address space)
- Accounting Information
- I/O status information
Question 9
- Interupt Execution of Running Process
- Jump to Kernel
- Save the CPU state
- Select new process
- Clear Cache
- Restore CPU state for new process
- Set Program Counter
- Return to user space and execute first instruction
Question 10
State | Running | Ready | Blocked |
Running | X | Process is Preempted | Process questions I/O |
Ready | Process is scheduled to run (dispatched) | X | Not Possible |
Blocked | Not Possible | Process returns from I/O | X |
Question 11
Threads require unique stacks, program counters and registers, they are able to share their other resources including the program text and data. This is useful because it allows for a light-weight switch between threads, where we only have to manage the registers and the program counter to switch between threads.
Question 12
Threads implemented in user space do not need an OS that is thread aware to manage them. They have their own runtime system and you can switch between threads without requiring a system call. However if one thread blocks for I/O then the whole process becomes blocked. Threads implemented in kernel space have the support of the OS to manage scheduling and a thread can block while others from the same process continue, however now a system call is required to switch between threads.
Question 13
One example, response time vs throughput. Either we want to quickly process some of each job available or we want to process all of as many jobs as we can. (Personal favourite: Proportionality vs Fairness)
Question 14
Your on your own on this one.
Question 15
- Assumption We will schedule P1 before P4 because it arrived first.
Gantt Chart
| P2 -> 4ms | P3 -> 12ms | P1 -> 22ms | P4 -> 32ms |
Wait Time
P1 | 12ms |
P2 | 0ms |
P3 | 4ms |
P4 | 22ms |
38ms/4 = 9.5ms
Question 16
- Assumption We will schedule P2 before P4 because it arrived first.
Gantt Chart
| P3 -> 8ms | P2 -> 12ms | P4 -> 22ms | P1 -> 32ms |
Wait Time
P1 | 22ms |
P2 | 8ms |
P3 | 0ms |
P4 | 12ms |
42ms/4 = 10.5ms
Question 17
Gantt Chart
| R1 -> 3ms | R1 -> 5ms | R3 -> 7ms | R1 -> 9ms | R1 -> 11ms | R4 -> 12ms | R4 -> 14ms | R2 -> 26ms | R5 -> 38ms |
The Queue
0ms - R1 Arrives
Running: Nothing - Queue: R1(9ms) - Choose R1
3ms - R2 Arrives
Running: R1(6ms) - Queue: R2(12ms) - Choose R1
5ms - R3 Arrives
Running: R1(4ms) - Queue: R2(12ms) - R3(2ms) - Choose R3
7ms - R3 Finishes
Running: Nothing - Queue: R2(12ms) - R1(4ms) - Choose R1
9ms - R4 Arrives
Running: R1 (2ms) - Queue: R2(12ms) - R4(3ms) - Choose R1
11ms - R1 Finishes
Running: Nothing - Queue: R2(12ms) - R4(3ms) - Choose R4
12 ms - R5 Arrives
Running: R4(2ms) - Queue: R2(12ms) - R5(12ms) - Choose R4
14 ms - R4 Finishes
Running: Nothing - Queue: R2(12ms) - R5(12ms) - Choose R2 - (It arrived first)
26 ms - R2 Finishes
Running: Nothing - Queue: R5(12ms) - Choose R5
38 ms - R5 Finishes
Wait Time
R1 | 2ms | Started running as it arrived, only waited for R3 at 5ms to 7ms |
R2 | 11ms | Started Running at 14ms, arrived at 3ms. |
R3 | 0ms | Started running as it arrived, never waited |
R4 | 2ms | Started running at 11ms and arrived at 9ms. |
R5 | 14ms | Started running at 26ms and arrived at 12ms. |
29ms/5 = 5.8ms
Question 18
Gantt Chart
| R1 -> 4ms | R2 -> 8ms | R1 -> 12ms | R3 -> 14ms | R2 -> 18ms | R4 -> 21ms | R1 -> 22ms | R5 -> 26ms | R2 -> 30ms | R5 -> 34ms | R5 -> 38ms |
The Queue
0ms - R1 Arrives
Running: Nothing - Queue: R1(9ms) : Choose R1
3ms - R2 Arrives
Running: R1 (6ms) - Queue: R2(12ms) : Not Scheduling
4ms - Quantum for R1 ends - it goes on the tail of the queue
Running: Nothing - Queue: R2(12ms) - R1(5ms) : Choose R2
5ms - R3 Arrives
Running: R2 (11ms) - Queue: R1(5ms) - R3(2ms) : Not Scheduling
8ms - Quantum for R2 ends - it goes on the tail of the queue
Running: Nothing - Queue: R1(5ms) - R3(2ms) - R2(8ms) : Choose R1
9ms - R4 Arrives
Running: R1(4ms) - Queue: R3(2ms) - R2(8ms) - R4(3ms) : Not Scheduling
12ms - Quantum for R1 ends - it goes on the tail of the queue - R5 Arrives (can assume opposite order)
Running: Nothing - Queue: R3(2ms) - R2(8ms) - R4(3ms) - R1(1ms) - R5 (12ms) : Choose R3
14ms - Burst for R3 ends
Running: Nothing - Queue: R2(8ms) - R4(3ms) - R1(1ms) - R5 (12ms) : Choose R2
18ms - Quantum for R2 ends - it goes on the tail of the queue
Running: Nothing - Queue: R4(3ms) - R1(1ms) - R5 (12ms) - R2(4ms) - : Choose R4
21ms - Burst for R4 ends
Running: Nothing - Queue: R1(1ms) - R5 (12ms) - R2(4ms) - : Choose R1
22ms - Burst for R1 ends
Running: Nothing - Queue: R5 (12ms) - R2(4ms) - : Choose R1
26ms - Quantum for R5 ends - it goes on the tail of the queue
Running: Nothing - Queue: R2(4ms) - R5 (8ms) - : Choose R2
30ms - Burst for R2 ends
Running: Nothing - Queue: R5 (8ms) - : Choose R5
34ms - Quantum for R4 ends - it goes on the tail of the queue
Running: Nothing - Queue: R5 (8ms) - : Choose R5
38ms - Burst for R5 ends
Running: Nothing - Queue:
Wait Time
R1 | 13ms | Started running as it arrived, Waited from 4ms to 8ms, then from 12ms to 21ms. |
R2 | 15ms | Started running at 4ms and arrived at 3ms, Waited from 8ms to 14ms, then from 18ms to 26ms. |
R3 | 7ms | Started running at 12ms and arrived at 5ms. |
R4 | 9ms | Started running at 18ms and arrived at 9ms. |
R5 | 14ms | Started running at 22ms and arrived at 12ms. Waited from 26ms to 30ms. |
57ms/5 = 11.4ms
Question 19
Estimated Burst | 4 | 7 | 4 | 4 | 5 |
Real Burst | 8 | 10 | 4 | 6 | 6 |
Burst 1 T_1 = (.75)8 + (.25)4 = 6 + 1 = 7
Burst 2 T_2 = (.75)10 + (.25)7 = 2.5 + 1.75 = 4.25 = 4
Burst 3 T_3 = (.75)4 + (.25)4 = 3 + 1 = 4
Burst 4 T_4 = (.75)4 + (.25)6 = 1 + 1.75 = 3 + 1.5 = 4.5 = 5
Question 20
- Private
- Non-Volatile
- Infinitely Fast
- Infinitely Large
Question 21
- With Static relocation the addresses of all memory instructions are changed as the program is loaded.
- With Dynamic relocation the address of all memory instructions are modified by the base register and checked against the limit register at run time.