Courses/Computer Science/CPSC 525.F2014/Lecture Notes
- 1 September 8: Introduction
- 2 September 10: Ethics and the Security Mindset
- 3 September 15: Foundations of Protection
- 4 September 17: Guest Lecture by Prof. Aycock
- 5 September 22: Access Control
- 6 September 24: Authentication and Security Architecture
- 7 September 29: No Class, CMSS/ISPIA Workshop
- 8 Oct 1: Security Architecture
- 9 Oct 6: Security Models: Bell-LaPadula, Biba, Chinese Wall, Clark-Wilson
- 10 Oct 8: Role-based Access Control
- 11 Oct 15: Code Injection
- 12 Oct 20: Code Injection (cont) and Intro to Weird Machines
- 13 Oct 22: Basics of Heap Attacks
- 14 Oct 27: Countermeasures
- 15 Oct 29: CounterCountermeasures
- 16 Nov 3: LangSec: A Theory of Insecurity
- 17 Nov 5: LangSec Foundations: Certificate Manipulation
- 18 Nov 10: No Class (reading days)
- 19 Nov 12: Langsec Foundations
- 20 Nov 17: Langsec Applications: Confusing the PHY Layer
- 21 Nov 19: Langsec Applications: Intrusion Detection
- 22 Nov 24: Countermeasures: Isolation
- 23 Nov 26: Countermeasures: Isolation (cont)
- 24 Dec 1: Formal Methods
- 25 Dec 3: Security Evaluation (plus USRI)
- 26 Summary
September 8: Introduction
Today we briefly covered the course outline, structure, topics, and policies. We also talked about the efficacy of some "basic hygiene" security advice and recent security headlines.
Notes/Links from Class Discussion
- Just what is the quality of this "advice"?
- 7 easy ways to protect yourself online
- "Reflections on Trusting Trust"
- Brian Snow, "We Need Assurance!"
- (references Conti's work)
- No-tech hacking:
- Greg Conti, Shmoocon 2012:
September 10: Ethics and the Security Mindset
In this session, we will discuss some ethical frameworks, point out some important related legislation, and discuss some example areas, like ethics review for research and issues surrounding "responsible" disclosure.
Vulnerability Disclosure
- CERT's stance:
- "Pretending Systems Are Secure" by Sean W. Smith PDF
- UofC Statement of Intellectual Honesty
- Towards an Ethical Code for Information Security
- Ethics: Stanford prison experiment
- Privacy/Ethics: Should we let children on Facebook:
- J. Aycock, E. Buchanan, S. Dexter, and D. Dittrich. Human Subjects, Agents, or Bots: Current Issues in Ethics and Computer Security Research. Panel paper, 2nd Workshop on Ethics in Computer Security Research (LNCS 7126), 2012, pp. 138-145.
September 15: Foundations of Protection
In this session, we will consider some of the foundational concepts of computer security, including protection, access control, and the limits of such mechanisms. We will also take a look at some very common expressions of these concepts.
We started by discussing some of the past readings on mindset and ethics. We then considered tips for how to approach reading an academic paper.
Here are a collection of classic security papers:
- Security
- C-I-A
- C
- I
- A
- Protection
- Isolation
- Reference monitor
- Subject
- Object
- Assurance
- The Craft of System Security: 1.1 The Standard Rubric
- The Craft of System Security: 1.2 The Matrix
- The Craft of System Security: 1.3 Other Views
- The Craft of System Security: 1.4 Safe States and the Access Control Matrix
- The Craft of System Security: 1.5 Other Hard Problems
- The Craft of System Security: 1.6 Takehome Message
- Protection. Proc. 5th Princeton Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton, 1971. Reprinted in ACM Operating Systems Rev. 8, 1 (Jan. 1974), pp 18-24 PDF
- "Protection in Operating Systems" by Michael A. Harrison, Walter L. Ruzzo, and Jeffrey D. Ullman (ACM Digital Library, available via U of C with appropriate network address)
September 17: Guest Lecture by Prof. Aycock
Today will be a guest lecture from our resident expert on malware, ethics, reverse engineering games, and programming languages.
September 22: Access Control
In this session, we will consider some basic access control concepts and terminology. We spent time looking at the concept of a TCB and we went through the HRU paper.
The readings for today reinforce some of the foundations of protection by illustrating how they were mapped to the design of an early multi-user system, Multics, that took protection and security quite seriously. You can see remnants or echos of these ideas in other commodity computing systems (e.g., x86 segments and privilege rings).
- "Protection in an information processing utility"
- "A hardware architecture for implementing protection rings"
- TCSS: 4.1, 4.2 (this should be review -- skip if you have a good handle on this material from your OS and architecture courses)
- "The Protection of Information in Computer Systems" by Jerome H. Saltzer and Michael D. Schroeder
September 24: Authentication and Security Architecture
In this session, we will continue our discussion of access control wrt authentication and then we will consider some security design principles. It will help motivate our discussion of security architecture and the application of the Saltzer-Schroeder principles. We will begin by considering a case study of the security mechanisms present in the Linux kernel.
Case Study: the set of "security" mechanisms present in the Linux OS.
- in-kernel crypto libraries:
- authentication: login, users, groups
- file system permissions
- gcc/propolice patch, stack canary
- noexec / nx
- segments (what segements?)
- page permissions
- privilege separation:
- SELinux:
- LSM/security modules:
- PAX/grsecurity
- Some Thoughts on Security After Ten Years of qmail 1.0, DJB, CSAW 2007 PDF
September 29: No Class, CMSS/ISPIA Workshop
No class today, but you are all encouraged / invited to attend a cybersecurity workshop at the UofC downtown campus.
I will give the talk I prepared when we begin to discuss LangSec.
Oct 1: Security Architecture
We will continue our discussion of protection mechanisms with a look at some of the security features of the Linux system, among others.
This collection brings up the question of defense in depth: how much do we need? How can you be sure of the quality of your TCB?
Class Discussion: Some Thoughts on Security After Ten Years of qmail 1.0
Oct 6: Security Models: Bell-LaPadula, Biba, Chinese Wall, Clark-Wilson
In this session, we will pick up with a more detailed examination of four security models.
- (Sections 1 and 2)
- (Abstract, Section 1 and 2)
- Clark-Wilson integrity model
- The Clark-Wilson paper here or here
Oct 8: Role-based Access Control
code session:
as eye in terminal 1:
954 cat /etc/passwd 955 clear 956 man groupadd 957 man usermod 958 clear 959 ls 960 clear 961 cd 525 962 mkdir 525 963 clear 964 w 965 cat /etc/passwd 966 id 967 file /sbin/nologin 968 cat /etc/shadow 969 ll /etc/passwd 970 sudo su 971 clear 972 cat /etc/passwd 973 man useradd 974 clear 975 cd 525 976 ls 977 echo "secret" > password.txt 978 ll 979 groups 980 cat /etc/group 981 cat /etc/group | grep sauron 982 man groupadd 983 sudo groupadd hacker 984 cat /etc/group | grep hacker 985 ll /etc/group 986 clear 987 usermod -a -G hacker alice 988 sudo usermod -a -G hacker alice 989 sudo usermod -a -G hacker bob 990 sudo usermod -a -G hacker tim 991 sudo usermod -a -G hacker jim 992 sudo usermod -a -G hacker george 993 sudo usermod -a -G hacker eye 994 ll 995 chmod 660 password.txt 996 ll 997 man chgrp 998 chgrp hacker password.txt 999 id 1000 exit 1001 id 1002 newgrp 535 1003 clear 1004 cd 525 1005 ls 1006 ll 1007 chgrp hacker password.txt 1008 ll 1009 pwd 1010 clear 1011 cd ACLs/ 1012 ll 1013 getfacl src.c 1014 man setfacl
as eye in terminal 2:
1001 groups 1002 cat /etc/group 1003 cat /etc/groups 1004 cat /etc/group 1005 clear 1006 getfacl 1007 ls 1008 getfacl file.out 1009 setfacl 1010 man setfacl 1011 clear 1012 useradd alice 1013 sudo useradd alice 1014 cat /etc/passwd 1015 clear 1016 sudo useradd bob 1017 sudo useradd charlie 1018 sudo useradd tim 1019 sudo useradd jim 1020 sudo useradd jerry 1021 sudo useradd george 1022 cat /etc/passwd 1023 clear 1024 man usermod 1025 groups alice 1026 cat /etc/passwd 1027 cat /etc/group 1028 cat /etc/passwd 1029 cat /etc/group 1030 clear 1031 man su 1032 su -l alice 1033 sudo su 1034 clear 1035 cd 525 1036 ls 1037 mkdir ACLs 1038 cd ACLs/ 1039 ls 1040 echo "source code" > src.c 1041 ll 1042 setfacl -m "u:501:rw" src.c 1043 getfacl src.c 1044 sudo su
as root:
842 cat /etc/shadow 843 exit 844 passwd alice 845 exit 846 su alice 847 exit 848 su alice
Oct 15: Code Injection
Key Ideas:
- conceptual difference between the protection that read(2) offers vs. 'cat'ing an arbitrary file.
- recognizing or distinguishing between "good" and "bad"
- with 40 years of fundamentally sound security models and access controls, why do our principals still get attacked successfully?
- there is no reference monitor for network or file input
- what kinds of threats violate the C-I-A of our principals (i.e., programs?)
- Code injection attacks are one type of threat that (1) inject code into a principal's data areas and (2) transfer control to that injected data; it usually co-opts the existing (broken) logic of the principal to accomplish these two goals
Links From Class
- The IPv4 Evil Bit RFC
- Smashing the Stack (must read historical article)
- cute shellcode:
- Sample of Code Red Worm:
Cute GPG Bug
echo -en "\xa3\x01\x5b\xff" > gpg.exp hexdump -C gpg.exp gpg --decrypt gpg.exp
Stuff to Watch
- The (almost) Complete History of Memory Corruption Attacks
Oct 20: Code Injection (cont) and Intro to Weird Machines
- SPC vs. CIA grid
- Protecting Against Code Injection is about Protecting the Integrity of Computation
- Continue stack injection example.
- Preview of Mitigation Mechanisms (next time)
- Let's start with our notion of what a vulnerability is, and what an exploit is.
- What is an exploit? What is shellcode?
- What is a vulnerability? What defines it?
- Motivating example: Aleph One:
- Motivating example: Code Red:
- What is a "weird" "machine", and why should you care?
- weird : unexpected, latent functionality arising from the hidden or composed artifacts in your actual computing environment
- machine : actually quite structured and principled; may be "strange" but not ad hoc
- What is the difference between code and computation?
- What are some inception points of the idea of a "weird machine"?
- vuln-specific defenses
- Vulnerability Specific Execution Filters
- Vigilante "Vigilante: End-to-End Containment of Internet Worms"
- Jedidiah R. Crandall, Zhendong Su, S. Felix Wu, and Frederic T. Chong. On Deriving Unknown Vulnerabilities from Zero-Day Polymorphic and Metamorphic Worm Exploits. In the proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2005). Alexandria, Virginia. November 2005. pdf
- ;login: article (below)
- vuln-specific defenses
- An impressive effort at documenting history (and the trends arising thereof) "The (Almost) Complete History of Memory Corruption Attacks"
Function Call Activation Records
Disabling Countermeasures
pause: countermeasures like nx bit, non-executable stack, canaries, etc.
- compiling programs with fno-stack-protector
- turning off ASLR: as root, `echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space'
- marking executables as needing executable data areas: `execstack -s a.out'
Makefile: link
victim.c : link
template payload file (full of NOPs): link
A run of this example with the payload2 file:
(gdb) r payload2 The program being debugged has been started already. Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y Starting program: /home/eye/SISMAT/3.9/vx payload2 Breakpoint 1, 0x080484ca in do_work () (gdb) x/32x $esp 0xbffff8d0: 0x000000c2 0x00006ff4 0x008551dc 0x00000000 0xbffff8e0: 0xbffff980 0x080497ec 0xbffff8f8 0x08048384 0xbffff8f0: 0x00000005 0x080497ec 0xbffff928 0x0804855f 0xbffff900: 0xbffffb5d 0x080482a3 0x00857ce0 0x00856ff4 0xbffff910: 0x080485a0 0x08048410 0x080485ab 0x00000000 0xbffff920: 0x080485a0 0x00000000 0xbffff9a8 0x006dad36 0xbffff930: 0x00000002 0xbffff9d4 0xbffff9e0 0x001113d0 0xbffff940: 0x08048410 0xffffffff 0x006c0fc4 0x080482a3 (gdb) c Continuing. Breakpoint 2, 0x0804853c in do_work () (gdb) x/32x $esp 0xbffff8d0: 0x0804a008 0x08048654 0x008551dc 0x00000000 0xbffff8e0: 0xbffff980 0x90909090 0x90909090 0x90909090 0xbffff8f0: 0x4066c031 0x4366db31 0x90cc80cd 0xbffff8ec 0xbffff900: 0x90909090 0x9090cc90 0x90909090 0x90909090 0xbffff910: 0x90909090 0x90909090 0x90909090 0x90909090 0xbffff920: 0x90909090 0x90909090 0x90909090 0x90909090 0xbffff930: 0x90909090 0x90909090 0xbfff9090 0x001113d0 0xbffff940: 0x08048410 0xffffffff 0x006c0fc4 0x080482a3 (gdb) c Continuing. Program exited with code 01. (gdb)
Note that 'exiting with code 01' is precisely the effect we wish to achieve (that was the system call invocation we programmed into our shellcode).
- USENIX ;login: articles in the December "Security" issue:
- Exploit Programming: From Buffer Overflows to "Weird Machines" and Theory of Computation. Sergey Bratus, Michael E. Locasto, Meredith L. Patterson, Len Sassaman, and Anna Shubina. USENIX ;login: vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 13--21 December 2011. Paper
Oct 22: Basics of Heap Attacks
Stack-based buffer overflows on modern commodity systems are "dead", apparently. But that's OK: there are plenty of other juicy targets in the address space besides saved return addresses on the stack.
A simple example targeting heap pointers in dynamically allocated data structures. More advanced techniques involve heap spraying and overcoming ASLR.
- "Once Upon a free()":
- "Vudo - An object superstitiously believed to embody magical powers"
- Heap Feng Shui in JavaScript
Oct 27: Countermeasures
How do we maintain the Integrity of Processing? Countermeasures to code injection attacks typically focus on either disrupting the injection of code or the transfer of control to it.
Attempts to characterize exploits typically focus on scanning incoming traffic or file data for signs of "executable" code, such as NOPs sleds or other artifacts (i.e., high frequency of valid x86 machine instructions).
- "StackGuard: Automatic Adaptive Detection and Prevention of Buffer-Overflow Attacks"
- Propolice/SSP:
- libsafe/libverify paper: "Transparent Runtime Defense Against Stack Smashing Attacks"
- PointGuard(TM): Protecting Pointers From Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities
- Automated Diversity
- Instruction Set Randomization
- OpenBSD slides on ASLR and NX defenses in OpenBSD:
- "On the Effectiveness of Address Space Randomization":
hardware return address shadow stack
ASLR, Stack randomization
Propolice / StackGuard / Stack Canaries
Control Flow Integrity
Instruction Set Randomization
Oct 29: CounterCountermeasures
return-to-libc. ROP.
Polymorphism. Encoding. English Shellcode.
- poly sample to hand-execute and disassemble:
Here is a list of papers I've mentioned in class
- Control flow integrity concept
- Secure Execution Via Program Shepherding by Vladimir Kiriansky, Derek Bruening, and Saman Amarasinghe
- Control Flow Integrity: Principles, Implementations, and Applications by Martin Abadi, Mihai Budiu, Ulfar Erlingsson and Jay Ligatti
- Control Flow Integrity for COTS Binaries by Mingwei Zhang and R. Sekar (USENIX Security 2013 Best Paper)
- Evaluating Code Injection Countermeasures
- A Comparison of Publicly Available Tools for Dynamic Buffer Overflow Prevention by John Wilander and Mariam Kamkar
- RIPE:Runtime Intrusion Prevention Evaluator
- "On the Effectiveness of Address Space Randomization"
- Attack Engineering Methods to get around Countermeasures
- Non-Control-Data Attacks Are Realistic Threats by Shuo Chen et al.
- On the Infeasibility of Modeling Polymorphic Shellcode by Yingbo Song et al.
- English Shellcode:
- "Writing ia32 alphanumeric shellcodes"
- (grep Shakespearean Shellcode)
- Return to libc / return oriented programming
- traditional return-to-libc: "Getting around non-executable stack (and fix)" Solar Designer
- return-to-libc: Nergal, "Advanced return-into-lib(c) Exploits: PaX Case Study," Phrack 58:4
- The Geometry of Innocent Flesh on the Bone: Return-into-libc without Function Calls (on the x86) by Hovav Shacham
Nov 3: LangSec: A Theory of Insecurity
Intro to LangSec.
In this session, we will touch on several ideas related to langsec, particularly the principle that: a thing is not what it is named, but rather a thing is what can be done to it (recall the Gostack game!). This principle connects with Langsec because we often try to create systems that recognize a thing either by its label, some of its content, or by what it does, or by what happens to it. We used the Gostak game to motivate this discussion earlier, but now we pick it up in full, having seen some of the basics of exploit attack and defense.
We really start our discussion of LangSec itself by asking the questions "Why do things break?" and "Why do things continue to break?"
We considered a few reasons why things seem to break beyond convenient excuses like lazy programmers and "dangerous" languages, including complexity and composition as hidden by abstraction.
- Intro to LangSec: TBD
- Towards a formal theory of computer insecurity: a language-theoretic approach Len Sassaman, Meredith L. Patterson, Invited Lecture at Dartmouth College, March 2011. ISTS Seminar on YouTube:
- This talk partly discusses this work: "Exploiting Computational Slack in Protocol Grammars"
- Beyond Planted Bugs in 'Trusting Trust': The Input Processing Frontier DOI
- Composition Patterns of Hacking. Sergey Bratus, Julian Bangert, Alexandar Gabrovsky, Anna Shubina, Daniel Bilar, and Michael E. Locasto. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Cyber Patterns. pp. 80-85. 9-10 July 2012, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK
- The Growing harm of Not teaching Malware by George Ledin, Jr.
- Langsec "patch" for Postel's Principle:
Nov 5: LangSec Foundations: Certificate Manipulation
LangSec, inasmuch as it relates to the core Computer Science concept of language recognition, cuts across many different areas of computer security from defense against code injection attacks to scanning for malware in network streams.
Seeds of LangSec exist in many papers (cited on this wiki), but its recent formulation and statement can be traced to Sassaman and Patterson's work on X509 certificate manipulation.
Towards a formal theory of computer insecurity: a language-theoretic approach
- The Halting Problems of Network Stack Insecurity by Len Sassaman, Meredith L. Patterson, Sergey Bratus, and Anna Shubina Paper (click through the PDF link to download)
Nov 10: No Class (reading days)
Nov 12: Langsec Foundations
Weird Machines and LangSec as such were recently crystalized and articulated by Sassaman, Patterson, Bratus, and Shubina, but it has foundations in the research work of others as well.
- Thomas Dullien and Halvar Flake "Exploitation and State Machines" PDF
- F. B. Schneider. Enforceable Security Policies. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, 2(4), Mar. 2000.
- A Language-Based Approach to Security. Fred B. Schneider, Greg Morrisett, and Robert Harper
- Exploit Programming: From Buffer Overflows to "Weird Machines" and Theory of Computation. Sergey Bratus, Michael E. Locasto, Meredith L. Patterson, Len Sassaman, and Anna Shubina. USENIX ;login: vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 13--21 December 2011. Paper
- Vulnerability-Specific Execution Filtering for Exploit Prevention on Commodity Software PDF
- Vigilante "Vigilante: End-to-End Containment of Internet Worms"
- Jedidiah R. Crandall, Zhendong Su, S. Felix Wu, and Frederic T. Chong. On Deriving Unknown Vulnerabilities from Zero-Day Polymorphic and Metamorphic Worm Exploits. In the proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2005). Alexandria, Virginia. November 2005. pdf
- Daniela Oliveira and Jedidiah R. Crandall. Holographic Vulnerability Studies: Vulnerabilities as Fractures in Interpretation as Information Flows Across Abstraction Boundaries. In the Proceedings of the New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW 2012). Bertinoro, Italy. pdf
Nov 17: Langsec Applications: Confusing the PHY Layer
Class Stuff:
- RATS demo
- pointer to clang
- essay specification
This session is a case study of Goodspeed's recent work in "Remotely Exploiting the PHY Layer".
- WOOT 2011 talk:
- (see 0x06, "How I misunderstood digital radio; or, "Weird machines" are in radio, too!" by M. Laphroaig pastor@phrack )
- WOOT 2011 paper:
Nov 19: Langsec Applications: Intrusion Detection
In this session, we will consider the common security subfield of intrusion detection, and how langsec (as an explanation of insecurity) fouls many of the good intentions we have when we attempt to detect malicious content in network traffic or machine actions. If defense is predicated on detection, and detection is predicated on recognition -- we are in quite a pickle if we're trying to detect arbitrary computational constructs.
Langsec Principle: Alice and Bob are talking, but whomever is listening is highly confused.
- We looked at a paper (Handley et al.) and a couple of small demonstrations of this principle in action, like:
- looking at Snort rules
- disassembling network packets captured via tcpdump with udcli
- Insertion, Evasion, and Denial of Service: Eluding Network Intrusion Detection by Thomas H Ptacek and Timothy M. Newsham HTML
"The problem with this technique is that a passive network monitor cannot accurately predict whether a given machine on the network is even going to see a packet, let alone process it in the expected manner. A number of issues exist which make the actual meaning of a packet captured by an IDS ambiguous."
- Network Intrusion Detection: Evasion, Traffic Normalization, and End-to-End Protocol Semantics. Mark Handley and Vern Paxson and Christian Kreibich USENIX paperhtml
Related Work
- mimicry attack against syscall anomaly sensors
- Brief Note on the Utility of AV Debate
- Jarno Niemela's commentary on (misperceptions of) utility of AV
Nov 24: Countermeasures: Isolation
If signature based detection fails, and if DEP+ASLR isn't enough, and LangSec makes recognition of bad inputs hard, what is left?
The magic of "sandboxing".
Reference monitors.
systrace. jail. janus. NaCL. SecVisor.
hype and virtue
Sandboxing / Policy Enforcement
- XFI: Software Guards for System Address Spaces
- "Vx32: Lightweight User-level Sandboxing on the x86" (USENIX ATC 2008)
- "Native Client: A Sandbox for Portable, Untrusted x86 Native Code" (Oakland 2009)
- "Hardware Enforcement of Application Security Policies Using Tagged Memory" (OSDI 2008)
- "Make Least Privilege a Right (Not a Privilege)" (HotOS 2005)
- "Improving Host Security with System Call Policies" by Niels Provos, 12th USENIX Security Symposium, Washington, DC, August 2003. PDF
- Watson, R. N. M., Anderson, J., Laurie, B., and Kennaway, K. Capsicum: practical capabilities for UNIX. In Proceedings of the 19th USENIX Security Symposium, Washington, DC, August 2010
- SecVisor: A Tiny Hypervisor to Provide Lifetime Kernel Code Integrity for Commodity OSes (SOSP 2007)
- F. B. Schneider. Enforceable Security Policies. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, 2(4), Mar. 2000.
Virtualization, Monitoring, Inspection
- "Mystifying the debugger for ultimate stealthiness"
- Steven M. Bellovin. Virtual machines, virtual security. Communications of the ACM, 49(10), October 2006. “Inside RISKS” column. html
- VM-based Security Overkill: A Lament for Applied Systems Security Research. Sergey Bratus, Michael E. Locasto, Ashwin Ramaswamy, and Sean W. Smith. Proceedings of the 19th New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW 2010). September 2010. Concord, MA, USA. PDF
- Efficient Monitoring of Untrusted Kernel-Mode Execution (NDSS 2011)
- "A Virtual Machine Introspection Architecture for Intrusion Detection" (NDSS 2003)
- Virtuoso: Narrowing the Semantic Gap in Virtual Machine Introspection. Brendan Dolan-Ââ€Gavitt, Tim Leek, Michael Zhivich, Jonathon Giffin, and Wenke Lee. In Proceedings of The 2011 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. Oakland, CA, May 2011.
Nov 26: Countermeasures: Isolation (cont)
Dec 1: Formal Methods
Dec 3: Security Evaluation (plus USRI)
- CC / Orange Books
- OWASP page on static source code analysis tools:
- clang
- building from source:
- history / lint:
- Security policies and protection mechanisms for a computing system
- design principles of protection systems
- authentication and authorization
- reference monitors
- security architecture of popular platforms
- formal modeling of protection systems
- discretionary access control
- safety analysis
- information flow control
- integrity
- role-based access control
- Legal and ethical considerations will be introduced.