Gamer Culture

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About Us

Group Name: n00bs with uber micro

Group Members: Rya Sciban, Rabeea Baig, Benny Ching Yip To, Yi Lin

INFORMATION REVIEW - (10 references per person = 4 x 10 = 40)

Our Topic


Technology: Video and Computer Games

Issue: Extensive contact with video games limiting normal social contact with others. As a result, people are unable to communicate well with others in normal situations.

Problem Statement: : Humans have always had forms of entertainment, be it storytelling, sports, or music. The invention of the computer has only added one more tool for us to use to entertain ourselves. It is the opinion of some that we have no business concerning ourselves over other people’s choices of entertainment. However, it is often the concern of parents and friends when one spends too much time with these video games, and avoids normal social activities. There are often cases where people do not make friends that they actually physically see, where they become ill practiced at communicating with others face-to-face that they avoid it as much as possible, seeking refuge in their video games. Sometimes the habits that people have picked up from these alternate forms of entertainment replace those that they have previously developed, and they immerse themselves in ‘Gamer Culture’ which further segregates them from normal everyday life and socialization.


‘Gamer Culture’ or ‘Gamers’ have always been viewed as anti social or socially awkward and a nerd. The topic of video games has long been one of much debate. On one hand video games allow people to interact with others, to practice hand-eye coordination, put to use memorization skills, problem solving skills, and to basically have fun and enjoy it. They offer a wide selection of games so that almost everyone can appreciate them. To those that would argue that some video games or spending vast amounts of time on video games could be unhealthy, the supporter of video games would ask how video games are any different from any other form of entertainment, and do people have the right to set limitations on other’s entertainment. Even if it does harm the players, is it not a personal choice such as alcohol?

On the other hand, there are those who would criticize some video games or spending too much time on video games as being harmful to not only the player but sometimes even to others. (For example after columbine shooting, some parents sued a few of the larger video game companies) Our focus is the issue of people being immersed in ‘Gamer Culture’ and through lots of exposure lose or fail to develop many of the social skills required to talk to, communicate with, and to deal with others required in everyday life.

Although to some video games are just another form of entertainment, others would say that some video games go beyond this category. For the purposes of this project we will be focusing on online multiplayer games such as World of Warcraft, Guildwars, Starcraft, and Diablo 2. These people would argue that online multiplayer games are different from other forms of entertainment because they are not beneficial to the player. With pastimes such as sports or reading, the participant becomes healthier or improves their intellect. With these online multiplayer games with their addicting nature and the tendency of players to spend long hours in the game, as time elapses the player not only wastes more time during which they could have been productive, they also get more attached to the game. The basic problem is that some people get so attached and into the online game world that they start ignoring the things in the real world and they do not develop or learn skills required in the real world.


History of Video Games

The development of video and computer games, like the development of any invention started with an idea. Often in the case of inventions, many people get the same idea and work at it from different angles. This is also the case in the development if video and computer games.

The idea came from an engineer named Ralph Baer who in 1951 was told to create the best television set in the world. Ralph Baer himself had the idea to include some sort of interactive game to help distinguish their product from that of other companies.

In 1958, a physicist named Willy Higinbotham invented an interactive table-tennis like game in order to keep visitors to the Brookhaven National Laboratories from becoming bored. To him, the solution was so obvious that he did not have the thought to patent it.

In 1961, Steve Russell, a student at MIT creates the first interactive computer game called Spacewar.

In 1967 Ralph Baer and a team creates his dream of an interactive TV game and in 1970 it is licensed by Magnavox.

At the same time Nolan Bushnell creates an arcade version of Spacewar called Computer Space, which is purchased by arcade-game manufacturer Nutting Associates. The game did not sell well since it was too difficult for the public to play. Bushnell decides to create a simpler game, but since Nutting Associates is not willing to give him a larger share of the profits, he leaves the company. In 1972 Bushnell and Dabney start their own company called Atari. The first game released is called Pong, a simple tennis like game. It is an instant success.

Baer’s TV video game is created and is called Odyssey. It is somewhat successful.

In 1976 because of Atari’s success, many new companies have started creating video game consoles. The idea of cartridges, where a cartridge can be removed from a console and another inserted containing a different game, is created.

The first occurrence of video game violence issue emerges with the game called Death Race 2000, where the main point of the game is to run over stick people.

1978, the popularity of the arcade game Space Invaders causes truancy in schools in America.

In 1980, Pac-Man the most popular arcade game of all time is released. More than 300,000 units are sold world-wide and the same amount in counterfeits.

In 1981, a man dies of a heart attack, making it the first death while playing video games.

1983, because of a multitude of large video game companies, smaller companies can no longer compete and go out of business. They sell all their products at really low rates, causing the larger video game companies to lose money (since they cannot compete with the low rates).

In 1984, American producers are faced with many set backs such as faulty consoles and unpopular games. Japanese company Nintendo sees this as a good opportunity to expand into the American market and in the following years does so. The following years are dominated by the major producers being Nintendo and Sega with the games Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog.

In 1994 an Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) is established as the result of Senators Joseph Lieberman and Herbert Kohl’s investigation into video game violence. The main games to bring on this investigation were Mortal Kombat and Night Trap.

- rya

General Issues With Video and Computer Games

(Rough Outline Please point out any mistakes in the page as well give any feedbacks)

Gaming addiction is becoming an major issue to many people lives in today’s society. In the past simple computer or video games were created for a single user’s enjoyment and was not addicting because of the lack of complexity of the games that were created. As computer games and video games were becoming more complex, people also start to devote more and more time in learning the gaming mechanics in order to become better at playing the game. When the multiplayer aspect of the game was developed through the internet comes along. The possibilities of a user could do in a computer or video game has expanded tenfold as players can both play with each other as well socially interact with each other.

Gaming addiction can also be another form of internet addiction because users could unconsciously devote countless hours into a game or the online experience that comes from the game and leads to neglecting their normal social activities.

Today, many people faced with today Video/Computer games issues such as

- People are spending more time in a video/computer game than other social activities - It has become difficult for people to adjust back into their normal social pattern after spending many hours into a computer/video game - People start to neglect/escape their real life issues through the use of computer/video games


Our Issue

The positive side of online/video gaming is that the user can meet people all around the world that shares the same common love for the game which they play in. Over time these people would form strong friendships with each other as they spend more time online with each other. Another positive point that could come from video gaming is that it drives people to learn since every game that were built had a specific gameplay mechanics that if the user wants to be the best at their game, they need to learn every aspect of the gameplay mechanics in order for them to become the best at their game. Also online gaming also drives competition amongst people since an active gaming community also drives healthy competition amongst players which players would gain more entertainment value from both competing and observing the competition.

However there are also consequences that comes from video/online gaming. These consequences includes the user separates their contact with the outside world as the user spends more time indoors at their computers rather than doing outdoor activities.

At rare cases, online/video gaming could cause users can also alienate their friends and family as they communicate them less and less which the user would literally ‘trapped’ inside their virtual world.

At its worst consquence that comes from online/video gaming was the development of gaming addiction in which the user would develop long term psychological problems.




Game: A structured or semi-structured activity, usually undertaken for enjoyment, they are generally distinct from work, which is usually carried out for remuneration, and from art, which is more concerned with the expression of ideas.

Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG): A video game which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously. By necessity, they are played on the Internet, and feature at least one persistent world.

  Ex: Xbox 360, PSP, PS3, Wii

Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG): The player is represented by a pre-configured avatar, controlled by the player

                                Different types of Computer Games

Action and Adventure Games: Involve fighting games, space adventure games, situational games where the player is required to achieve some objectives, etc. Most of the games come with a story line.

Arcade Games: Require the player to go through many levels, in order to achieve the highest score possible.

Board Games: Some of the most popular games.There are animated versions of traditional and favorite board games online.

Card Games: Card games are ever popular with the gaming population. There are a lot of games designed with playing cards.

Casino Games: These are fairly addictive and they simulate the games available in real casinos. When you play with virtual money, there is nothing to lose. So you get a lot of people playing online casino games.

Strategy Games: These are the games, which take considerable time to play and complete. The player has to apply his mind totally to devise strategies to play and win. These games may take some time to master.

Sports Games: This type of game requires prior knowledge of the sport. One can have many levels of play. And there may be the option of competing against a second player or the computer itself.

Shooting Games: People can play these games and let out their anger on shooting enemies and objects in virtual games. These can also be included in the action and adventure genre of games, but are kept separate due to their popularity.

Puzzle Games: These can actually help you sharpen your mind because they require concentration and focus.

Gamer: A devoted player of electronic games, especially on machines especially designed for such games and, in a more recent trend, over the Internet.

                                              Type of Gamers

Power Gamers: Represent 11 percent of the games market, and 30 cents on the dollar on retain and online games.

Social Gamers: Play games as a way to interact with their friends.

Leisure Gamers: Spend 58 hours per month playing mainly casual titles.

Dormant Gamers: Have fewer opportunities to game because of scheduling issues with family, work or school.

Incidental Gamers: Lack motivation and play out of boredom but spend 20 hours or more a month playing online games.

Occasional Gamers: Play puzzle, word and board games almost exclusively.

Addict: To occupy (oneself) with or involve (oneself) in something habitually or compulsively.

  Ex: The child was addicted to video games

Social Outcast: A social outcast is somebody who is not involved in social events and spends way to much time doing a "hobby". The traditional one is the one who always looks slightly high or depressed all the time. Sometimes they are merely too snobbish and see themselves as above everyone else although this is sometimes just to hide there feelings.


Case Studies

Number 1:,,

Autumn’s husband Shawn is addicted to World of Warcraft, a popular online game. Because of this game, he has neglected his family. His first crime was leaving Autumn when she was in labour with their daughter to play World of Warcraft. After their daughter was born, he still continued to play the game, often sleeping on the couch so he can get up early to play before work, and neglecting his family.

Number 2:

In South Korea a man dies after playing Starcraft in an internet café for 50 hours, taking only brief breaks to nap and eat. He had recently been fired from his job for spending too much time playing computer games. The cause of death was heart failure stemming from exhaustion.

It should be noted that in South Korea “professional gamers can earn big money through sponsorships and television stations devoted to broadcasting matches.”

Number 3:

In China a man dies after three straight days of online gaming. No further information was provided.

Number 4:,21598,22073926-2761,00.html

In July of 2007 it was discovered that a 15 year old child had been skipping school for 2 months to play a popular online game called Runescape. He had called the school saying he would be away from school for a while for an operation. To fool his mother every morning he’d put on his school uniform to eat breakfast. After they left he would change out of his uniform and play Runescape. His cover was blown after the school called his mother, wondering about his long absence. He used to like playing sports and would spend a lot of time on them. Now however, he doesn’t go out at all, and he is really pale from lack of sunlight.

Number 5:

A recent survey showed that 60% of South Koreans from age 9- 39 are among the frequent users category of gamers. The survey showed that 1 million South Koreans were seriously addicted to online games causing them to “neglect eating, bathing, skipping school and even quitting their jobs.” In 2005 seven people in South Korea dropped dead from playing video games for too long.

- rya



We expect the number of gamers that play more than 15 hours per week - those we dub high-intensity users - to grow by 40% from 12 million to 17 million by 2007

The average age of the UK gamer is 28

UK based survey – most popular type of game by far is puzzle/quiz, which 63% of gamers play, and the least popular is multiplayer online at 8%

“Joshua Smyth conducted a randomized trial study of college students contrasting the effects of playing online socially interconnected video games with more traditional single-player or arcade-style games” – found that “online, socially integrated multiplayer games create greater negative consequences (decreased health, well-being, sleep, socialization and academic work) but also garner far greater positive results (greater enjoyment in playing, increased interest in continuing play and a rise in the acquisition of new friendships) than do single-player games”

American Statistics

“The average adult woman plays games 7.4 hours per week. The average adult man plays 7.6 hours per week”

“20% of gamers play every day

33% of gamers play more than once a week

11% of gamers play once a week

14% or gamers play a couple times a month but less than once a week

55% of game players play or intend to play games online

The average North American video game player is 33 years old

Seventy-eight percent of Canadian parents check the rating symbol sometime, if not every time they purchase or rent a video game

Parents are involved in the purchase or rental of games 83 percent of the time

Game players under the age of 18 report that they get their parent's permission 85 percent of the time before purchasing a computer or video game “

Canadian Statistics

89% of Recent Gamers have played at home more than any other location

30% of recent gamers play every day

40% of recent gamers play a few days a week

14% of recent gamers play once a week

7% of recent gamers play once every two weeks

9% of recent gamers have played once in the past 4 weeks

66% of the time gamers play on the computer

25% of the time gamers play on a game console

40% of World of Warcraft players are addicted

60% of South Koreans from age 9- 39 are among the frequent users category of gamers

1 million South Koreans were seriously addicted to online games

- rya


In conclusion, we believe that the atmosphere of gamer culture is highly addictive. Many different types of results occur once an individual is engaged in such behaviour. For example, people begin to lose sight of their priorities in life, health issues start to arise and they lose their sense of sociability. There are numerous ways an individual can seek help, they can enroll in Online - Gamers Anonymous which consists of a self help system. In countries such as China, they operate treatment clinics, but they sometimes violent ways to relieve the addiction. However, not all forms of games are addictive it is all dependent on the individual and how much time and effort they invest into the activity.




































