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This page will contain a table of all the existing queries under Student Administration Reporting Tools, Query, Query Viewer, and our best guess on what they do.

All this information is based on an Excel view of the query without selecting any criteria, unless it is required, in which case the entered information forms part of the description.

Existing Queries in Query Manager
Query Name Query Description What it actually does... Column Header (Example Field) description
SF704B__CRSE_OFFER blank A list of all the courses offered ?since the beginning of time? Course ID (100001); Eff Date (2/1/2007); Offer Nbr (1); Institution (UCALG); Acad Group (HA); Subject (ACCT); Catalog (200)
SF720___BUSINESS_UNIT_TABLE SF720---Business Unit Table One-row table with basic information about UCALG (not relevant here) PS default?
SF725A__GL_INT_NAME SF725A--GL INT NAME Don't know - returns an error message "Query Result Set too Large" --ExecGerbil 12:43, 25 August 2008 (MDT)
SF740 SF740 A list of five university departments with codes and descriptions Unit (UCALG); Office (ESOP); Eff Date (1/1/1901); Status (Active); Message (U of C Enrolment Services); Long Msg (University of Calgary Enrolment Services Operations)
SF741 SF741 A list of five university departments with messages about cheque overpayments in $CDN and $US for each deparment Unit (UCALG); Office (FINANCE); Tender Key (CHEQUE); Message (Three week waiting period on cheque overpayments.)
SF742 SF742 A list of university departments with messages about types of fee payments Unit (UCALG); Office (FINANCE); Target Key (REGDEPOSIT); Message (Deposit payments are non-refundable.)
SF750B_CSH_OFF_RCPT_PRINT_MSGS blank Don't know - returns an error message "Query Result Set too Large" --ExecGerbil 12:54, 25 August 2008 (MDT)
SF750C_CSH_OFF_TRGT_PRINT_MSGS blank Don't know - returns an error message "Query Result Set too Large" --ExecGerbil 13:18, 25 August 2008 (MDT)
SF750D_CSH_OFF_TNDR_PRINT_MSGS blank A list of receipt numbers by department and date with corresponding messages Unit (UCALG); Office (ESOP); Tender (CHEQUE); Eff Date (1/1/1901); Status (A); Msg (Three week waiting period on cheque overpayments.); Long Msg (Cheque overpayments cannot be refunded for three weeks from the date of initial deposit.); Receipt # (1159)
SF750E_CSH_OFF_TAX_TOTAL SF750E Cashier Rcpt Tax Total Returns only Column Headers Unit (); Office (); Receipt # (); Sum Amount ()
SF750R__RECEIPT_BY_NUMBER Test for receipts Requests additional data, for example: Business Unit (UCALG); Cashiers' Office (ESOP); Receipt Number (1159) 22 fields of data about the selected receipt number
SF750___RECEIPTS_BUSINESS_DAY SF750---Receipts/Business Day Requests additional data, for example: Business Unit (UCALG); Cashiers' Office (ESOP); Current Business Date (2008/08/25) 17 fields of data with all the receipts for the day, including amounts, ID number, cashier number, and receipt number
SF751___RECEIPT_LINE SF751---Receipt Line Don't know - returns an error message "Query Result Set too Large" --ExecGerbil 15:28, 25 August 2008 (MDT)
SF752___RECEIPT_TENDER SF752---Receipt Tender Don't know - returns an error message "Query Result Set too Large" --ExecGerbil 15:55, 25 August 2008 (MDT)
SF813___TRIAL_BAL SF813 - Trial Bal Requests additional data, but no values acceptable in Business Unit field --ExecGerbil 15:55, 25 August 2008 (MDT)
SFEXTORG___EXTERNAL_ORG_DESCR SFEXTORG - External Org Descr List of codes for 4474 external organizations (universities, schools etc.) Org ID (00100000); Descr (Alberta Learning)
SR701____INSTITUTION_TABLE SR701--- Institution Table One-row table with basic information about UCALG (not relevant here) PS default?
SR744____CLASS_NOTES SR744--- Class Notes All course IDs ?since the beginning of time? which require an additional note Course ID (126626); Offer Nbr (1); Term (2077); Session (1); Section (B06); Notes Nbr (1); Print Loc (A); Note Nbr (); Print Note (N); Descr (LAB 06 - Restricted to BNAT January)
SR750D1__TRNSFR_FROM SR750C-- Transfer From Don't know - returns an error message "Query Result Set too Large" --ExecGerbil 15:55, 25 August 2008 (MDT)
SR777____TRANSCRIPT SR777--- Transcript Requests additional data, for example: Report Request Nbr (010075812); Request Seq Nbr (1) includes student name, ID, birth date, detailed course descriptions and marks - ?query output to transcript production?
SR778BT__TRANSCRIPT SR778BT- Transcript Batch Requests additional data, for example: Academic Institution (UCALG); Transcript Type (CRSEL); Report Request Nbr (010075831); Request # (010075831) . The last two fields seem to be a range request, i.e. all reports from # to #. same as SR777 but for multiple students - ?query output to batch transcript production?
SR778M___TRANSCRIPT SR778M-- Transcript Requests additional data, for example: Report Request Nbr (010075812) same as SR777 but includes Milestones
SR805___DEGR_RPT_RSLT Graduation Report Results Requests additional data, for example: User ID (); Run Control ID () Don't know - could not find a User ID that had a Run Control ID associated with it
STUDENT_CAR_TERM_STATS Student Car Term Stats Requests additional data, for example: Empl ID (1002000) Returns only column headers - something to do with withdrawal from courses, GPA, loans, etc.
STUDENT_ENROLL Student Enroll Requests additional data, for example: Empl ID (1002000) Returns only column headers - courses, marks, maybe course enrollment data.
UCAD_ALL_BY_ACTION_DATE All Applicants by Action Date Requests additional data, Institution, Term, Choice, Program, From Date Could not find any matching values. Column headers are ID, Name, Choice, Program, Degree, Plan, Joint, Lvl, Type, F S, F E S, Status, Reason, Actn, Date, Adm Status, Assessment, EA
UCAD_ALL_BY_PROG_DEGR_PLAN Applicants by Prog, Degr, Plan Seems to give a complete list of all applicants to that program with useful data. Requests additional data, Institution, Career, Term, Program are REQUIRED; Choice, Degree, Plan are optional ID (00000000); Name (Last, First Middle); Choice ( ); Program (GSMTH); Degree (MSC-DEG); Plan (MDSC-AOS); Joint (N); Lvl ( ); Type (RAD); F S (FILE); F E S ( ); Status (AC); Reason ( ); Actn (MATR); Date (08/20/2008); Adm Status (A); Assessment (X); EA ( );
UCAD_CONFIRM_DEPOSITS_OUTSTAND Confirm Outstanding Deposits Shows outstanding tuition fees, past fee deadline? Requests additional data, Institution, Admit Term are REQUIRED Institution (UCALG); Application Term (2087); Faculty (GS); ID (00000000); Name (First Middle(s) Last); Application Nbr (00000000); Program Nbr (0); Program (GSVSC); Due Date (9/18/2008); Original Amount Due (657.90); Payment Received (0.00); Payment Waived (0.00); Balance Remaining (657.90)
UCAD_DENY_TO_BE_VERIFIED Deny - to be Verified Requests additional data, Institution, Career, Term are REQUIRED Could not find any matching values. Column headers are ID; Name; Choice; Program; Degree; Plan; Joint; Lvl; Type; F S; F E S; Status; Actn; A-Date; Load; EA; Adm Status
UCAD_EA_INCOMPLETE Early Admits-Not ready to Eval Requests additional data, Institution, Term are REQUIRED Could not find any matching values. Column headers are ID; Name; Choice; Program; Degree; Plan; Joint; Lvl; Type; ; F S; F E S; Load; EA; Adm Status
UCAD_EA_RANKING_GPA Early Adm GPA - Stud Ranking Requests additional data, Institution, Career, Term, Program are REQUIRED; sorts early admissions students by GPA ID (00000000); Name (Last, First Middle); Program (CCBCH); Choice (2); Degree (BA-DEG); Plan(LWSO-MAJ); Joint (N); Lvl (1); Type (HS); Status (AP); Actn (APPL); Reason( ); Date(2008/01/01); HS Avg (75.0000); GPA (3.23); EA Crse Units (9.0000); INTL ( )
UCAD_EA_RANKING _HS Early Admission Stud Ranking Requests additional data, Institution, Career, Term, Program are REQUIRED; sorts early admissions students by high school average ID (00000000); Name (Last, First Middle); Program (CCBCH); Choice (2); Degree (BA-DEG); Plan(LWSO-MAJ); Joint (N); Lvl (1); Type (HS); Status (AP); Actn (APPL); Reason( ); Date(2008/01/01); HS Avg (75.0000); GPA (3.23); EA Crse Units (9.0000); INTL ( )
UCAD_EA_READY_TO_EVAL EA UGRD students ready to eval Requests additional data, Institution, Term, are REQUIRED; Could not find any matching values. Column headers are ID; Name; Choice; Program; Degree; Plan; Joint; Lvl; Type; ; F S; F E S; Load; EA; Adm Status
UCAD_ELFP_APPLICATIONS List of applicants with ELFP Requests additional data, Institution, Admit Term, Program Choice are REQUIRED; candidates who have taken the English Language Foundations Program Admit Type (HS); Program Choice (1); Status (AP); Date ( ); Name (First Middle Last); Appl Nbr (00000000); Prog Nbr (1); Checklist Status (I); Checklist Due Date (9999/12/31)
UCAD_FILE_AT_FACULTY File at Faculty Requests additional data, Institution, Career, Term, are REQUIRED; ?list of applications being evaluated by other departments? ID (00000000); Name (Last, First Middle); Choice (2); Program (CCBCH); Degree (BA-DEG); Plan(LWSO-MAJ); Joint (N); Lvl (1); Type (TRN); F S (FILE); File Stat Dt (2008/01/01); F E S ( ); Status (AP); Reason( ); Actn (APPL) Date(2008/01/01); Load (F); EA (X)
UCAD_FILE_BACK_FROM_FACULTY File Back From Faculty Requests additional data, Institution, Career, Term, are REQUIRED; ?list of applications with online faculty evaluation complete? ID (00000000); Name (Last, First Middle); User (00000000); Program (GSMCB); Choice ( ); Degree (MBA-DEG); Plan(MGMT-MAJ); Joint (Y); Lvl ( ); Type (REG); F S (FILE); Eval Code (GS FACULTY); F E S (FA); Fac Stat Dt (2008/01/01); Status (AP); Actn (DEFR); Reason ( ); Date(2008/01/01); Load ( ); EA ( )
UCAD_FINAL_RNKNG_GPA Student Rankin-Final Average Requests additional data, Institution, Career, Term, Program are REQUIRED; Could not find any matching values. Column headers are ID; Name; Program; Choice; Degree; Plan; Joint; Lvl; Type; Status; Actn; Reason; Date; HS Avg; GPA; INTL; TRANS IND
UCAD_FINAL_RNKNG_HS Final HS Avg - Stud Ranking Requests additional data, Institution, Career, Term, Program are REQUIRED; Could not find any matching values. Column headers are ID; Name; Program; Choice; Degree; Plan; Joint; Lvl; Type; Status; Actn; Reason; Date; HS Avg; GPA; INTL; TRANS IND
UCAD_INCOMPLETE_APPLICATIONS Incomplete Applications Requests additional data, Institution, Admit Term, Program, Program Choice are REQUIRED; list of incomplete applications and checklist code for outstanding item Institution (UCALG); Application Term (2087); Program (GSMTH); Program Choice (1); ID (00000000); Name (First Middle Last); Application Nbr (00000000); Program Nbr (0); Checklist (APFEE); Checklist Due Date (9999/12/31)
UCAD_INTL_READY_TO_EVAL Intl. UGRD stdnts rdy to eval Requests additional data, Institution, Term are REQUIRED; ?list of all applications ready for faculty to evaluate online? ID (00000000); Name (Last, First Middle); Program (HUBCH); Choice (Alternate); Degree (BA-DEG); Plan (HUMA-MAJ); Joint (N); Lvl (Year 3); Type (TRN); Ready to Eval Dt (2008/01/01); F S ( ); F E S ( ); Status (Applicant); Actn (Applicatn); Reason ( ); Date (2007/01/01); Load (P); EA ()
UCAD_ON_LINE_ADMITS On-Line Admits Requests additional data, Institution, Admit Term are REQUIRED; list of all online applicants and their status - active, admitted, matriculated etc., ?undergraduate only? ID (00000000); Name (Last, First Middle); Program (CCBCH); Choice (Primary); Degree (BLNK-DEG); Plan (NODC-IFA); Joint (N); Lvl (Year 2); Type (TRN); F S (At Fac); F E S ( ); File Stat Dt (2008/01/01); Status (Active); Actn (Matriculat); Reason (SELF); Date (2008/03/11); Load (F); EA (EA-Y); Adm Status (Admitted)
UCAD_READY_FOR_EVAL_COP Applicants for Change of Prog Requests additional data, Institution, Term, Adm (CF1) or Fac (CF3) are REQUIRED; list of applicants to change program ?waiting for faculty review? undergraduate only. ID (00000000); Name (Last, First Middle); Program (FABCH); Degree (BMUS-DEG); Plan (PERF-MAJ); Joint (N); Lvl (Year 2); Type (CF3); F S ( ); F E S ( ); Status (Applicant); Actn (Applicatn); Date (2008/03/11)
UCAD_READY_TO_EVAL UGRD students ready to eval Requests additional data, Institution, Term are REQUIRED; list of applicants undergraduate only ?ready for faculty evaluation? ID (00000000); Name (Last, First Middle); Program (GSMCB); Choice (Alternate); Degree (BLNK-DEG); Plan(NODC-IFA); Joint (N); Lvl ( Year 1); Type (HS); Ready to Eval Dt (2007/11/09) F S ( ); F E S ( ); Status (Applicant); Actn (Applicatn); Reason ( ); Date(2008/01/01); Load (N); EA ( )
UCAD_SPECIAL_A_CATEGORY Find Special Admit Category Requests additional data, Institution, Term, Service Indicator are REQUIRED; ?students admitted despite negative indicators, missing documents? ID (00000000); Name (Last, First Middle); Program (SSBCH); Degree (BA-DEG); Plan (POLI-MAJ); Joint (N); Lvl (2); Type (TRN); Status (CN); Actn (DENY); Reason (HCRS); Date (2008/04/01); Category (ADD)
UCAD_TFL_SCORES TOEFL test scores by Dept Requests additional data, Date Loaded; Could not find any matching values. Column headers are: Department; Code; Title; Last Name; First Name; Address; City; Prov/State; Country; Birthdate; Test Type; Component 1; Score; Component 2; Score; Component 3; Score; Component 4; Score; Component 5; Score
UCAD_UNABLE_TO_DETERMINE_AD Undetermined Admission Status Requests additional data, Institution, Admit Term are REQUIRED; ?list of students who have been admitted but haven't registered?? Could not find any matching values. Column headers are: ID; Name; Choice; Program; Degree; Plan; Joint; Lvl; Type; F S; F E S; Status; Actn; A-Date; Load; EA; Adm Status
UCAD_WAITLISTED Waitlisted Requests additional data, Institution, Admit Term are REQUIRED; list of waitlisted students (appears to be all 3rd year transfer students) ID (00000000); Name (Last, First Middle); Program (SSBCH); Choice (Primary); Degree (BNAT-DEG); Plan ( ); Joint(N); Lvl (Year 3); Type (TRN); F S (At Fac); F E S ( ); Status (Waitlisted); Actn (Waitlist); Reason ( ); Date (2008/10/01); Final Adm Stat ( ); HS Avg (0.0000); GPA (0.0000)
UCAD_WAPP_ST_VW Web App Statistics Requests additional data, Career, Admit Term are REQUIRED; only found results for undergrad; ?count of applications submitted through PeopleSoft and hard copy applications? Career (UGRD); Admit Term (2077); Proc Ind (P); UC_CAREER_COUNT (12000)
UCAD_WAPP_VA_VW Web App Offshore Visa Alerts Requests additional data, Career, Admit Term are REQUIRED; looks like every field from application pages ?checking visa data for submission to CIC? Could not find any matching values. Column headers are: ID; Career; Admit Term; Ref Nbr; Sequence #; Date; Last; First Name; Middle; Preferred First; FormSurnm1; FormSurnm2; Birthdate; Birthplace; Sex; Marital St; Immig Stat; OthImmig; CitCountry; Entry Date; Prior Appl; Prev UCID; NID; CompAdmInd; RsnNotLoad; HSorTrnsfr; PrevAttnd; ESL Ind; 1st Subm; EAAvg Prim; EA Avg Alt; Aboriginal; Minority; Registration; Portal EID; HomeSchool; LDAP Needed; 1st ChcChg; New toUof;C IntlAppInd; Adult Ind; ELP Cmplt; ELP Intrst; Date Loaded; ID; Appl Nbr; Proc Ind; Processed; Rsvd OPRID; AppFee Ind; Spec Needs; Aboriginal; ASN; ELFP Ind; IB Prg Ind; 2ndChcChg
UCES_STDNT_EXAM_LIST List of a student's exam sched Requests additional data, Institution, EmplID, Career, Term are REQUIRED; simple exam timetable by individual student Could not find any matching values. Column headers are: Course; Section; Location; Date; Time
UCGD_ALUM_ATTENDING Students Attending Convocation Requests additional data, Institution, Compl Term, Event ID are REQUIRED; simple list of all convocation attendees ID (00000000); Last (Gurney); First Name (Helga); Last (GURNEY); First Name (HELGA); Event Mtg (1); Career (UGRD) Career Nbr (0); ChkoutStat (AW)
UCGD_ALUM_AWARDED_EMAIL Students awarded having email Requests additional data, Institution, Compl Term, Event ID are REQUIRED; simple list of degrees awarded with emails First Name (John); Last (Doe); Email (; ID (00000000); Career (UGRD); Career Nbr (0); First Name (JOHN); Last (DOE)
UCGD_ALUM_AWARDED_NO_EMAIL Students awarded without email Requests additional data, Institution, Compl Term, Event ID are REQUIRED; simple list of degrees awarded which have no emails attached First Name (John); Last (Doe); ID (00000000); Career (UGRD); Career Nbr (0); First Name (JOHN); Last (DOE)
UCGD_DOUBLE_MAJOR_VW Convocants with Double Majors Requests additional data, Institution, Career, Exp Grad Term, Event ID, ChkoutStat are REQUIRED; double majors ID (00000000); Career (UGRD); Institution (UCALG); Eff Date (2008/10/01); Sequence (1); Exp Grad (2083); Acad Prog (SSBCH); Status (CM); Descr (Science Batchelors); Joint Program (N); Career Nbr (3); Acad Group (SC); ChkoutStat (AW); Compl Term (2083); Degree Plan (BSC-DEG); Degree Nbr (01); Plan (GLGY-MAJ); Name (John Henry Doe); Event ID (0000000000); Attendee (00000); Event Mtg (2); Career (UGRD); Career Nbr (2); Acad Plan (ECON-MAJ); ChkoutStat (AW)
UCGD_EMAIL_STU_INVITED Email Stu Invited to Convoc Requests additional data, Institution, Compl Term, Event ID, are REQUIRED; listing of IDS and emails ID (00000000); Email (
UCGD_GOWN_ATTR_COPIED_FRWD Invited w/ Gown Copied Forward
UCGD_PHOTOGRAPHY Info for Convoc Photographer
UCGP_GRD_CHANGE Grade Changes (not RORX, RORG)
UCRG_ALLOW_BYCRSE Query Student Allows
UCRG_EDEA_STDNT_GP B.ED Stdnt for Enroll Appointm
UCRV_GRADE_CHANGE Identify Grade Changes
UCRV_REPORT_STDNT_AWARD Report Students Awarded
UCSR_ACCESS_STDNT_T2202_INFO Access Stdnt T2202 Information
UCSR_EFWR_NOT_CLEAR_BY_DT EFF. Writing Not Clear by Date
UCSR_ENROLLED_NO_T2202_DATA Students with no T2202 Data
UCSR_GRAD_APPROACH_CMPLT_DT Students Appr Completion
UCSR_GRAD_EXCEED_CMPLT_DT Students Exceeding Completion
UCSR_GS_PASTDUE_CHKLST_ITEMS_A Grad stdnt past due adm chklst
UCSR_GS_PASTDUE_CHKLST_ITEMS_R Grad stdnt past due rec chklst
UCSR_REG_CONFIRM_FIRST_YR_GRAD Grad reg'n confirm not rec'd
UCSR_ST_ON_LEAVE_ABSENCE Students on approved LOA
UCTC_CREDIT_RULES_UOFC_CRSE Qry Credit Rule by UofC Course
UCTC_XFRCREDIT_RULE_SRC_CRSE Trnsfr Credit Rule Source Crse
UCTT_CLASSES_WITHOUT_ROOMS Classes with no rooms assigned
UCTT_CLASS_COMMENTS List of Class Comments
UCTT_CLASS_OVER_ROOM_CAPACITY Classes over room capacity
UCTT_COURSE_REG_STATS Summary Class Time / Reg'n
UC_ZC_BN_R012_HEADING1 LOA Costing - Heading Query1

Link back to PS for GPAs,GPA and FGS

--ExecGerbil 08:37, 25 August 2008 (MDT)