Courses/Computer Science/CPSC 203/CPSC 203 Template/CPSC203 Template People/Iftekhar Sadi
Hi! Welcome!!!!
Tutorial Schedule: Monday and Wednesday, 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM at MS237
CT Hour: Friday 1pm-3pm @ MS 237
Project Groups:
Group 1: Online Dating Websites, Jessie Aujla, Felisa Campusano, Mark Hill, Faaiza Zaidi, Ermin Bibuljica
Group 2: Facebook: Privacy Unleashed, Jaime Chung, Jessica Rice, Nicole Schrier, Jean Hok, Jillian Galeos
Group 3: Google Earth, Lisa McPherson, Thomas Magas, Jessie Watson, Jessica Allardyce, Andrew Brennan
Group 4: Mac Vs PC, Sanjesh Singh, Kristina Roberts, Patric Mihalicz, Jason Luc, Justin Fox
Team Project:
Term projects are to be done in groups of 3 to 5 members. Each group has to select their topic and get approved by your TA. Group members of each group should work as a team to finish their term project. As a student it is YOUR responsibility to learn how to use (create/edit/maintain) this wiki. To start please see the wiki tutorial. For more information about what you need to do see the assignment section of this wiki. You may find examples of term projects in the following links:
Problem Solving Practice 1: