Courses/Computer Science/CPSC 203/CPSC 203 2007Fall L04/CPSC 203 2007Fall L04 Lectures/Group Projects
< Courses | Computer Science | CPSC 203 | CPSC 203 2007Fall L04 | CPSC 203 2007Fall L04 Lectures
Group Projects
Reminder: Final Exam
Monday December 17th, 12 -- 2p.m. at KN Red*
- Get there early
- have your id card with you
Note -- I'll go over a study sheet during the last half of our final class together, December 6th
Group Project Presentation Schedule
Tuesday November 27th (T26/T27)
- The Net Pirates: Peer to Peer File Sharing: What's the Catch?
- Gambling Ninjas: Which Games are Playing You?
- Fingaloops: Phishing for Trouble
- Team McLovin: Torrents – Downloading of today!
- The Big 5: P2P Networking – Intellectual Property Theft
- MALT CRAKK!: Facebook – The Unknown Face
- Peanut Butter Jelly: Popper Uppers
- The No Shows: Dr.
- The B-Sharps: iTunes: Changing the Tune of Music
Thursday November 29th (T23/T24)
- Public Secrets
- Love At First Site
- eBay: The Future of the Black Market
- Are you going to buy that shirt without even trying it on??
- Gaming: The highly addictive drug
- Copyrighting: Are you a repeat Offender?
- WoW ... I have no life?
- It's myspace, not yours!
- How Secure is your Bank Account? A look at Internet Banking Security?
- Facebookers Anonymous
Tuesday December 4th (T22/T28)
- Decoded: Getting through with a bad connection
- ProjectByte: Wireless Networks: Secure or Unsecure
- Social Butterfly: Social Networking or Stalking?
- Speed Scientists: Bits and Bytes
- 5IVE: The Truth Behind the Online Shopaholic
- The Mile High Club: Travel at the Click of Your Mouse
- Cyber Spies: I Spy Spyware
- Team Purple: Online Console Gaming
- Madonna: We're living in a virtual world, and I'm a virtual girl
- The Jams: Wiki-awareness.
Thursday December 6th (T25)
- Case # 845203-EZ: The Evolution of Instant Messaging
- Internet Plagarism
- Craigslist: Making Jobs Obsolete
- One Site Stardom
- What's the Hype with Skype