Courses/Computer Science/CPSC 203/CPSC 203 2008Winter L03/CPSC 203 2008Winter L03 FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Mark Breakdown for this course?

The mark breakdown is given in the course information sheet which is reviewed on the first day of class:

Assignments and Quizzes: 50%

Midterm Exam: 20 %

Final Exam: 30%

Asignments and Quizzes are further broken Down to:

4 Time Boxed Assignments @6.25 %: 25%

Group Project: 9 %

Assignment 1: 8 %

Assignment 2: 8%

Total: 50 % (Time Boxed Assignments, Group Project, Assignments 1 & 2)

Are grades curved or is there set percentages for certain letter grades?

Grades are not curved (as in graded on a bell curve). Grade break-points are set after all scores are compiled based on the distribution of marks, then checked and approved by the CPSC department before final grades are released.

Is the final exam cumulative? and how many questions are on the final? do we need to pass the final in order to pass the course?

  • The final exam covers all material from beginning of the course, but emphasizes material post-midterm.
  • There will be 50-60 questions on the final.
  • As the final is worth 30 %, it would be very difficult to pass the course without passing the final.