Courses/Computer Science/CPSC 601.29.ISSA/20110128CodeSession
< Courses | Computer Science | CPSC 601.29.ISSA
[michael@xorenduex lectures]$ cat Makefile all: mywrite mywrite: mywrite.asm nasm -f elf mywrite.asm gcc -Wall -s -nostdlib mywrite.o clean: @/bin/echo "nothing to do" [michael@xorenduex lectures]$
Assembly Source:
[michael@xorenduex lectures]$ cat mywrite.asm ;; mywrite.asm ;; goal is to invoke write system call ;; write( fd, buf, size) ;; eax/4 ebx/1 ecx/greeting edx/5 BITS 32 GLOBAL _start SECTION .data greeting db 'hello' SECTION .text _start: mov eax, 4 ;sys_write is 4 mov ebx, 1 ;stdout (default file desc. supplied by OS) mov ecx, greeting ;move address of label in .data to ecx mov edx, 5 ;5 byte int 0x80 ;invoke write(2) mov ebx, eax ;save ret val (eax) to ebx (arg to exit) mov eax, 1 ;sys_exit is 1 int 0x80 ;invoke exit(2) [michael@xorenduex lectures]$